Monday, September 30, 2019

John Stuart Mill: Greatest Happiness Principle Essay

John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarian Philosophy came to be known as the greatest happiness principle. It begs the question; what is happiness? Mill thought that the purpose is life is for the experience of pleasure and freedom from pain and that every action must be measured against this paradigm. Yet just like any other perspectives, Mill’s utilitarianism encounters criticism, one of which focuses on the meaning and realization of happiness. Mill however, conscious of the critique implied in his foundation of morality that humans are higher beings than animals or any other species, therefore have higher faculties and appetites. From this standpoint, the argument that men might choose actions that are irrelevant or offensive to other people in the light of satisfaction is rebuked. The source of pleasure and content of the swine could never be the same as that of a human. There is a given superiority of the mental pleasure over bodily ones among utilitarians, and this he maintains. Any act of men which rightly makes him a lower class of being is assumed to be avoided by the latter, as he would not allow himself to shrink into a lower kind of person or being that he is. He attributes this to a sense of pride, or the love of liberty and independence and dignity which he believes, every man possesses in one form or another. Apart from his notion of human domination over other living things, he nonetheless admits that men are capable of choosing and doing bodily pleasures that may be treated less valuable than another. This is true in instances when men have preferred alcoholism despite the knowledge of its negative repercussions in exchange for men’s bodily pleasures derived from the activity. He contests ergo that such incapacity for the nobler feelings is due to the nature of the latter, like a tender plant that is easily killed by hostile influences especially among the young people when the environment is not favorable to keeping that higher capacity in existence. This idea is perhaps a noble addition to the claims of utilitarianism: â€Å"†¦the happiness which forms the utilitarian standard of what is right in conduct is not the agent’s own happiness but that of all concerned†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This makes the values of utilitarianism compatible to other religious norms which states, â€Å"To do as you would be done by† and â€Å"To love your neighbor as yourself†. Hence, an important policy suggestion emerges in the fulfillment of utilitarian morality code; that laws and social structures must institute ways to make the interest of every individual one and the same as that of the whole; and that the association of one person to the happiness of the others must be realized through the utilization of the power which education and opinion embody. In the end, a few lessons have been learnt from Mill; the notion of the universal happiness; the possibility of harmony of interests; and then necessity of policies for the success of his scheme. The same flow of arguments run in Mill’s speech in 1868 in favor of capital punishment. To him, the punishment by death is most desirable for a person who committed heinous crimes such as murder unless there is a probability that the action was undertaken due to factors outside of the character of the individual. He also looks into the essence of conviction in the community relevant to his, â€Å"practical power depends far less on what it is than on what it seems†. He counters the amendment of capital punishment and the transition to lifetime imprisonment as he believes the former is more effective in the light of preventing the innocent from indulging in similar crimes. What seems to the public a dreadful death accrued in capital punishment is for Mill less important than the implementation of his penal justice which seeks to â€Å"deter by suffering from inflicting suffering†. John Stuart Mill’s principle in the final analysis have contributed much to our understanding of man’s greatest happiness, a justification to existing laws and the value of education. References: Ebenstein, William. â€Å"Utilitarianism. † Great Political Thinkers, 6th Edition. Singapore: Thomson Wadsworth, 2000. Mill, John Stuart. â€Å"Utilitarianism and the 1868 Speech on Capital Punishment†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Public Relations and Social Media

Figure 1: BDI Logo An essay on the Black Dog Institute’s use of social media for public relations purposes. Major Assessment: How is social media being used by not-for-profit organisations for PR purposes? Choose one not-for-profit organisation operating in Australia and discuss – with reference to public relations and new media theory – how the organisation is using social media to manage their key stakeholders and community groups online. The practice of public relations has seen a change in recent years, and now includes many and varied tools; including new media.The term ‘new media’ encompasses a variety of non-traditional methods including social media. This essay discusses the use of social media in a public relations capacity, to assist in managing an organisation’s key stakeholders and community groups online. The focus organisation is the Black Dog Institute (BDI), a notfor-profit organisation and an â€Å"educational, research, clin ical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in mood disorders† (Black Dog Institute, 2012).When considering how an organisation uses social media, it is important to understand who the key stakeholders are and also what constitutes social media tools. Some of the institute’s key stakeholders (otherwise known as the specific target audience) include health professionals, donors/sponsors and government agencies. So, with some of the key stakeholders defined, what then is social media? Social media, as a whole, is online media with which you – the user can participate.Mayfield (2008) states that social media of all kind shares most (or all) of the following characteristics – participation, openness, conversation, community and connectedness. The Black Dog institute has used several social media tools to get their message out to the wider community. The use of these new media tools, specifically social media tools, assists not-for-profit organisations such as The Black Dog Institute in managing their key stakeholders and community groups online. Social media is fast becoming an effective tool for public relations purposes and The Black Dog Institute has mplemented a variety of tools such as wikis, social networking, blogging, video, an interactive website and applications suitable for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Figure 2: Social Media The Black Dog Institute engages in wikis such as The Mental Health Wiki. The Mental Health Wiki (2012) which claims to be â€Å"a collaborative, open platform for capturing high quality information in the mental health field† is open to anyone however the site only allows suitably qualified people to contribute. So how does this wiki help The Black Dog Institute manage their key stakeholders?Through participation, the institute is able to demonstrate their expertise in the area of mental health therefore enhancing their reputation among other health organisations. Wikis are a potent ial destination for online Page 2 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment research and thus by contributing to such, the organisation is able to continuously improve relationships between themselves and their stakeholders (medical professionals) As a fundamental function of public relations is to build mutually beneficial relationships, the contributions supplied by the institute on the Mental Health Wiki would be accessible by other health care professionals.This accessibility is a key in building such relationships, and in turn, the institute has access to other organisation’s research material. On the flip side however, it is important for the institute to consider the legal ramifications of contributing to such a forum. Flynn (2012) states that social media content can be subpoenaed and used to support (or sink) an organisation in the event of litigation, therefore it is important that the institute adheres to laws affecting PR such as copyright, privacy and the Trade Pract ices Act.Facebook is a social networking site offering community, conversation and connectedness and is another largely accessible social media tool with which The Black Dog Institute has engaged. Their active Facebook site allows community groups to interact and remain connected with the institute. The site offers news feeds, events, videos and the option for like minded people to contribute to the site through ‘posts’ – discussions. Figure 3: BDI FaceBook Page According to Solis (2009) social networking is not just about socialising, it’s about leveraging the network to increase visibility for expertise, reputation and activity.As you can see with the image, the Black Dog Institute’s Facebook page includes a picture of their facility, but is this the kind of visibility we refer to in PR? To increase their visibility (or exposure) the institute utilises social network i. e. Facebook to promote upcoming events, VIP associations, and other online pre sences such as websites/twitter and to provide another avenue to access their products for sale. By using social networking to increase their visibility, the institute develops another avenue to increase donations and much needed funds.Page 3 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment Blogging is another social media tool that has been adopted by The Black Dog Institute, through the use of Twitter – a micro-blogging site. Their Twitter blogs allow readers to ‘pull’ information that is relevant to them and with the dynamic nature of blogging; the institute gains a genuine insight into the opinions of their public. In terms of public relations, blogging assists the organisation to maintain a constant and up-to-date connection with its publics.The Black Dog Institute embraces that connection and continues to build a network (or community) of like minded people and remain connected with their audiences. With one of the most important functions of public relations being to create understanding, blogging sites such as Twitter allows The Black Dog Institute to create this understanding. Some media tools do not allow participation from an organisation’s public, however through blogging a two-way process is encouraged thereby creating a mutual understanding.It is important to acknowledge that a forum involving two-way conversation can again place the organisation in a vulnerable position – both its’ legally and socially responsible position. Therefore maintaining an ethical approach to the blogging process, with a deliberate course of action, can help to reduce this vulnerability. Figure 4: YouTube Videos are another social media tool that an organisation can use to remain connected with their public. Sites like YouTube are becoming increasingly popular with individuals and organisations alike.The Black Dog Institute has a YouTube channel, where subscribers can upload videos and also comment on videos uploaded by others. The institut e joined the YouTube ‘phenomenon’ in September, 2011. At present there are only two videos available on their own channel, however when you search the term ‘black dog institute’ several others have been uploaded (as indicated in the above image). This indicates an increasing awareness of the institute through an often entertaining and light hearted forum. Videos offer the institute the opportunity to present their organisation in an honest and accurate way.Further development of their YouTube channel can be achieved Page 4 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment through commenting on other contributor uploads regarding the institute and its activities from other users. Other tools utilised by the institute, which are a little out of the scope of this essay, include an iPod/iPad application – â€Å"The Black Dog Pedometer†. This tool gives the institute’s stakeholders/community access to not only a pedometer but also a link to learn more a bout the institute and also a donation option.In terms of public relations, the pedometer application increases the organisations image as an authority on the subject of mental health and mood disorders. The institute also has a website developed specifically for teenagers – www. biteback. org. au which as a whole is not a social media tool; however the blog component of the site offers interaction and participation by subscribers. The Bite Back website allows the BDI public relations team to take a proactive approach to their subject of expertise, offering an engaging and interactive forum for their younger community groups.As you can see throughout this essay, social media assists the Black Dog Institute in its’ public relations plans. Tools previously outlined such as wikis, social networking, blogging and videos assist the institute in building and improving relationships with their key stakeholders and to increase awareness and visibility of their organisation. As the momentum of social media continues, further opportunities may develop for the institute. Trimester 1, 2012 Page 5 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment Reference List: Figures Figure 1: Black Dog Institute Logo – www. lackdoginstitute. org. au (accessed 30 April, 2012) Figure 2: Social Media – http://masoncadeagency. com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/07/SMO_Social_Media_Optimization. jpg (accessed 3 May, 2012) Figure 3: Black Dog Institute Facebook page – http://www. facebook. com/blackdoginst (accessed 5 May, 2012) Figure 4: YouTube screenshot – Available: http://www. youtube. com/results? search_query=black+dog+institute+&oq=black+dog +institute+&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=youtube. 3†¦ 16614. 20473. 0. 21177. 22. 19. 1. 2. 2. 1. 30 3. 2779. 5j7j6j1. 19. 0†¦ 0. 0. (accessed 6 May, 2012)Bibliography Texts: Ali, M 2006, Public Relations – Creating an IMAGE, Heinemann, Oxford, GB Chaffey, D & Smith, PR. 2010, eMarketing eXcellence – Planning and optimizing your digital marketing, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK. Flynn, N, 2012, Social media handbook – policies and best practices to effectively manage your organization's social media presence, posts, and potential risks. Wiley, Australia Harrison, Kim 2011, Strategic Public Relations – A Practical Guide to Success, Palgrave Macmillan, South Yarra, Australia Lee, R & Kotler, P. 011, Social Marketing – Influencing Behaviors for Good, 4th edition. Sage, California Rix, P, 2011, Marketing – A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill, North Ryde, Australia. Solis, B & Breakenridge, D. 2009, Putting the Public Back in Public Relations – How Social Media Is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR, Pearson Education, New Jersey Page 6 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment eBooks and PDFs: Junee,T 2012, PRN101_Social_Media_2012-2 [Slide]. THINK: APM College of Business, Sydney Mayfield, A. 2008 What is Social Media? v1. 4 updated 1 August 2008 http://www. crossing. co. uk/fileadmin/uploads/eBooks/What_is_Social_Media_iCrossing_eb ook. pdf (accessed 3 May, 2012) Weblinks: Black Dog Insitute. 2012. About Us: Black Dog Institute. Available: http://www. blackdoginstitute. org. au/aboutus/overview. cfm (accessed 6 April, 2012) Harris, A. 2012. Be Social Media Savvy. Available: http://www. pria. com. au/priablog/be-social-media-savvy (accessed 7 April, 2012) Mental Health Wiki. 2012. Register: Available: http://www. mentalhealthwiki. org/deki/plugins/register/register. php (accessed 2 May,2012) Facebook. 012. Key Facts. Available: http://newsroom. fb. com/content/default. aspx? NewsAreaId=22 (accessed 1 May, 2012) YouTube. 2012. Search results for Black Dog Institute. Available: http://www. youtube. com/results? search_query=black+dog+institute+=black+dog+instit ute+=f===youtube. 3†¦ 16614. 20473. 0. 21177. 22. 19. 1. 2. 2. 1. 303. 2779. 5j7j6 j1. 19. 0†¦ 0. 0. (accessed 18 April, 2012) Black Dog Bite Back. 2012. Blogs: Availabl e: http://www. biteback. org. au/ (accessed 2 May, 2012) Page 7 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comm 4462 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comm 4462 - Coursework Example One party perceives that the other party has better alternatives of power so the weaker party tries to suppress the conflicting issues. It is distinctive as power relationship is maintained between two parties on consideration of weaker and stronger party. 3. Anything that can be employed in achieving the set goals of a party or getting into conflicts of others qualifies as a resource such as personal strengths and skills. These resources can be employed for solving different kinds of conflicts. 4. The three methods that supervisors can use in criticizing their subordinates can be 1) private criticizing of subordinates instead of criticism in front of other people, 2) along with issues, points of better performance and good work are also discussed by the supervisor and 3) supervisor did not attach compensation increase with criticism. These methods are supportive in endorsing power because subordinates cooperate with the supervisor and do not challenge his authority. The resistance is minimized because of this approach as subordinates consider themselves affiliated with the supervisor. 5. The two levels of meaning carried by messages during face-to-face interactions are report aspect and command aspect. The report aspect can be described as the deliverance of content of the message while command aspect can be described as a relational message or verbal message that is indicative of the relationship between two people or their regard for each

Friday, September 27, 2019

Questions from School Law and the Public School Book Assignment

Questions from School Law and the Public School Book - Assignment Example A state that promotes liberty and free will knows when not to mix state affairs with religion. Separation of church and state is paramount in bringing up a society that respects freedom of religion, and which enables people to tolerate others’ religions. The state therefore must not side with one religion over another, or promote the creeds of one religion over another. Although all religions should be taught in schools, the government should not foster the spread of certain religions over others. Students should be given the freedom to choose which religion to belong to, without their schools indicating support of any religion. In the first situation, allowing the Local Church Association to donate a copy of the Ten Commands to be placed in the hallway would be a plus for students who profess that religion. However, it is discriminatory because it highlights the basic teachings of that religion over other religions. It indicates a preference of that religion, which would not be taken very kindly by students whom it does not represent. Placing the Ten Commands in the hallway of the school symbolizes an endorsement of that religion by the school administration. Additionally, the act may influence students to follow the commands and profess the beliefs of that religion. Therefore, the act violates Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. It fails the three prongs of the Lemon test in that it does not have a secular legislative purpose. Secondly, it has a primary effect of advancing that particular religion. Thirdly, it results in â€Å"excessive government entanglement† in that it displays direct contact with church authorities (Essex, 2011). In the second situation, applying the lemon test would render starting a Bible club in School a violation of the Establishment Clause. This stipulates that the school is not allowed to establish any religious group including a church. Since the religious group in the school would promote particular religious precepts, this implies that the wellbeing of other religions would be compromised. Furthermore, it is worth appreciating that the school program is already established. Arguably, fixing the religious club as one of the options that students have during the club’s period implies that the school administration considers it equally important and would actually give it an opportunity when given a chance. This contravenes the provisions of the lemon principles that prohibit the government from advancing or inhibiting religion. In the third situation, I would give the non denominational a chance to conduct prayers on a rotational issue, just like the previous principal. From the outlook, the school community is appreciative of religion and does not force its members to participate in the prayers. Furthermore, the prayers do not unfairly promote the beliefs, values and practices of a single region. This is consistent with the provisions of the Est ablishment clause that seeks to uphold the respective state of affairs (Essex, 2011). Question 2 Although the school is responsible for providing religious education, it should not promote the religious precepts of any particular religion. In addition, the students should be at liberty to choose which religious principles to support and promote. Relative decisions need to be personal and should not be influenced by the school admini

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Comprehensive case analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comprehensive case analysis - Essay Example Gold has towards its workers include maintaining ethical conduct in its workplace and most vitally prohibit the devastating financial implications imposing adverse impact on the families of such workers (Nkomo et al., 2007). The challenges relating to human resource that the US based firms generally face when they globalize include problems related to hiring as well as retaining their respective potential workers and most vitally forming a globalized workforce (Commonwealth of Australia, 2011; Goldsmith, 2008). If I would have been in the place of Goldstone, I would have designed such an effective policy based on which the adverse financial implications on the families of the workers in the firm are mitigated by a considerable degree. In this similar context, such policies would also ensure better pays as well as other benefits to the workers along with maintaining diversity in the workplace Based on the above discussion, I have learned that maintaining ethical norms in the workplace by taking into concern the benefits of the workers is quite indispensable element to reap available benefits and avoid the challenges. This particular case certainly revealed the challenges associated with the management might unfavorably influence the families of the workers particularly in the domain of health care. As a healthcare manager, the implications of the case provided can be ascertained as strengthening the interests of the workers as per their respective needs for delivering quality services to the patients. Goldsmith, M. (2008). Human resources: the big issues. Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

British American Tobacco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

British American Tobacco - Essay Example This is not required under generally accepted accounting standards in United Kingdom. As of December 2004, this resulted to additional deferred tax liability of 49 million pounds ( January 1, 2004 and 40 million pounds ) And for the year ended Dec 31, 2005 an additional charge of 7 million pounds. Under IFRS, it is necessary to provide deferred tax on the difference between the carrying values and tax base of assets in operations which use inflation accounting, and also all differences between the carrying values and tax base for land and buildings. As of December 2004, these resulted to an additional deferred tax liability of 16 million pounds. Under United Kingdom GAAP, the final dividend for the year is provided but on page 84 in accounting policy 15, under International financial accounting standards, it is should be provided in the year it is declared. Under United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting principles, certain of the group’s share based compensation plans did not result in a charge as they had no value or were finance thru issue of new shares of stocks. However the schemes financed by the purchase of shares did have value and were charged to operating profit over the vesting period based on the share price at the date of grant. Under International financial accounting standards, all share schemes will result in a charge based on fair market value of the grant as described on page 82 in accounting policy no. 7. e) Under the United Kingdom generally accepted accounting principles and international financial reporting standards, basic earnings per share are based on the profit attributable to ordinary earnings per share as based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders during this period. (This excludes shares held by the group's two employee share ownership trusts.) The difference between United kingdom Generally accepted accounting principles and international financial reporting standards figures is the due to the result of different treatment of the profit and amortisation of goodwill. For the United Kingdom generally accepted accounting principles, the adjusted diluted earnings per share uses same shares, investment costs written off, profit on disposal of subsidiaries and fixed asset investments, goodwill amortisation/impairment of brands and the exceptional credits arising from tax recoveries in Reynolds America in 2004. e) Under the International Financial Reporting Standards, the group will report regional business segments regional business as for United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. But Group costs, which are corporate costs that are not directly attributable to a particular segment of reporting will now be shown as a separate line in the segmental analysis. f) On page 83 in accounting policy 15, International Accounting Standards no 32 and International Accounting standards no 39 on the financial instruments will be used prospectively effectively starting January 1, 2005." REFERENCE: Director's report and account 2004.British American Tobacco. COMMENT: We have to follow the international fin

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tim's Coffee Shop Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tim's Coffee Shop - Research Paper Example This write up is an analytical paper focusing on the Tim’s Coffee Shoppe, a small sole proprietor business with 10 employees who are currently working and serving the customers visiting their coffee shop. Since the business is situated at a prime location and as a result the customer footfall quite high. Moreover, the service hours offered by the shop acts as a competitive advantage for the firm.   However, there are certain areas where the company needs to improve. For instance, the vision statement can be modified and the company can clearly define its long term and short term goals. The vision statement of the company can be to provide the perfect cup of coffee in the perfect ambiance. This would mean that the shop will provide good quality coffee. The store will provide a good strategic location and the ambiance of the store will provide the customers with the ability to socialize or relax and pampered by the excellent customer service. To meet this vision the company ne eds to improve its present state of performance, improvise the quality of coffee and customer service, maintain the store ambiance and provide additional value to the customers. Scholars such as Drucker, emphasizes that management denotes both â€Å"a function† and â€Å"the people† who discharge it. The importance of management in an origination cannot be denied; thus, organizations have dedicated departments for managing the workforce. Tim’s Coffee Shoppe is a small sole proprietor business with 10 employees who are currently working and serving the customers visiting their coffee shop. Since the business is situated at a prime location and as a result the customer footfall quite high. Moreover, the service hours offered by the shop acts as a competitive advantage for the firm. However, there are certain areas where the company needs to improve. For instance, the vision statement can be modified and the company can clearly define its long term and short term g oals. Action Items The vision statement of the company can be to provide the perfect cup of coffee in the perfect ambience. This would mean that the shop will provide good quality coffee. The store will provide a good strategic location and the ambience of the store will provide the customers with the ability to socialize or relax and pampered by the excellent customer service. To meet this vision the company needs to improve its present state of performance, improvise the quality of coffee and customer service, maintain the store ambience and provide additional value to the customers. Short Term Goals 1. The first goal of the company in the next year should be to increase the market share by attracting new customers which will in turn help to generate higher revenue. 2. The companies in the industry constantly strive for innovating new products based on customer demands in order to attract consumers and differentiate them from the competitors. With increasing health consciousness a mong customers, the companies are introducing healthy alternatives. Differentiation gives the companies a competitive advantage. 3. According to the survey records of the customers, majority of them mentioned that the customer service was poor. So it would be important for the company to improve customer service in order to attract new customers and retain existing customers. Long Term Goals 1. The quality of coffee is crucial for any coffee shop to become successful. But through the customer surveys it was found that the quality of coffee was average. So the company should focus on improving the quality of coffee and offer more competitive products. 2. The employees’ opinions reflected that they were satisfied with their jobs but were suffering from low morale. Some of them were planning to leave the company and join the competitors. So in the next 3 years, the company needs to develop a strong retention plan and provide customers with career growth opportunities. Federal an d State compliance Issues Some of the Federal and State compliance Issues that the company might face are as follows:- Multiplicity Issues. Code issues (Community Development Law Center and Fair Housing Council of Oregon, 2009). Now in order

Monday, September 23, 2019

Proposal for a problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Proposal for a problem - Essay Example The answer here is no. In order to solve this problem, The Food Gulf Processing is supposed to increase the number of the people to 2 per storage giving a total of 6 people, as well as purchase a scanner which is efficient and fast enough thus serving a much larger number of people than the three people would have served. Scanning will be effective and no one will escape the service making the company to realize lots of the profits and minimize the losses that were incurred during the period the 3 people were serving through registration of people manually. The manual registration is also a time consuming service as one has to keep the pen and the paper in touch which is tedious during the reviewing and the calculation of the accounting problems. It is such a daunting task to register one item after another and after these items are released outside to the food business they are not able to fetch the required profits. Three people serving in these stores are unable to meet the business objectives. These 3 people cause the company to lose almost  ¾ of the sales since the day ends before all the items are registered, which would mean a loss to the business since one item cost between $5 and $12. The slowness of the 3 people that are responsible for the registration would continuously bring in the losses to the business that might cause it to fail. This factor makes the workers confused and disoriented because of the inability to account for losses incurred due to poor register management. Adding 4 more people such that each storage would hold a total of 2 people as well as give a scanner for every storage would facilitate the service of registering the items and increase the rate at which the items are released to the consumers. The cost of production will definitely go down as there are higher experiences of the profits to the company. There is the need to have the good number of the service providers and the presence of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Consumer Price Index Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Consumer Price Index - Essay Example Controlling inflation has been no doubt one of the most challenging tasks faced by major economies of the world, mostly them being the third world economies. Another way of explaining the concept of inflation is that as it rises, each particular unit or currency will be able to buy comparatively lesser quantity of goods as compared earlier. People often mix up the consumer price index with inflation and consider both of them to be the same thing. However, to understand it in very simple words, the percentage change in CPI is what gives a figure for inflation in a particular economy. Measuring inflation is a difficult problem, however it is done by determining the price of a â€Å"basket of goods† from time to time. This basket of goods contains those goods which are mostly consumed by households. A price index is determined this way which can be defined as the price of this basket of goods today and then consequently the movement is this price index gives the figure for inflation. Determining the values for the consumer price index, it can be concluded that during the course of previous 12 months the â€Å"all item index† rose by by three percent before any account was made for seasonal adjustments. Similarly the CPI witnessed a 1.5 percent increase in the previous year, 2010. Since the overall CPI is determined by movements in the price of the â€Å"basket of good†, one needs to consider how these individual items effect the overall price index. Energy prices witnessed a 6.6 percent increase in the current year which was a comparatively lower figure to 7.7 percent in the previous year. Similarly, the gasoline witnessed a 9.9 percent increase in the year 2011, compared to about 13.8 percent in the previous year, 2010. The household index on the other hand rose to 1.8%, being up from 0.8 percent in the previous calender year (Ball,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rizal Life Essay Example for Free

Rizal Life Essay The Jesuits, on the other hand, were with him practically every minute of the time, six priests going in relays, usually two at a time, in an attempt to bring about Rizals conversion. They have written the only complete story about his last day. Their earliest account was published in Spain in 1897; it is found in chapter seventeen of a book called La Masonizacion de Filipinas, Rizal y su Orba, printed by Tipografica Catolica of Barcelona. The author is anonymous but is thought to have been Father Pastalls. 03) In starting chapter seventeen he says: We will relate the fascinatingly interesting incidents as furnished to us from a new unedited and authentic account received from Manila. The account deals so largely with Father Balaguer, that it probably depended upon the notes Father Balaguer said he kept. (04) How far can we rely upon the accuracy and fairness of this book? Fortunately, we have a means of judging it. The first sixteen chapters deal with the life of Rizal which we have already studied. It says he was a model youth until he went to Europe to study medicine. There he joined Masonic lodges where he heard Republicans declare, Liberty should be demanded with bullets and not on ones knees. Ideas like this turned him into a fierce revolutionist. The book finds not a single wrong in the Philippines; but finds several governor-generals too lenient! It says that the liberal Governor Terrero was so weak that the religious orders had to hound him out of the Islands. 05) Governor General [Valeriano] Weyler (the bloody Weyler of Cuba) was an ideal governor who knew how to attack with firmness the evils permitted in the time of the weak Terrero. To use his graphic phrase he sucked out the brains of those he captured, so that the insurrection could not raise its head nor Masonry make any gains (06) . . . If only Rizal had remained in the Philippines and studied agriculture he would not have become the scandalizer and corruptor of his people. (07) The book strikes that note throughout, concerning Rizal and his most miserable work. (08) He was completely wrong, Spain beautifully right, but too mild at times; not injustice, but Masonry and Germany led Rizal to write his books indeed, most of the conclusions are diametrically opposite to the truth. One is prepared by this distortion of facts to be on his guard in reading the chapter on Rizals last day. Father Pio Pi, who succeeded Father Pastells, and was head of the Jesuit order in 1896, but not personally acquainted with Rizal, wrote a little book in 1909, calledLa Muerte Christiana de Doctor Rizal. 09) This follows the anonymous book of 1897 closely, often quoting word for word, but adding other details. (10) Father Balaguer, who says he secured Rizals retraction, signed (11) a sworn statement in 1917 in which he says: If anyone judges that I could not remember so many details, after twenty years, I may say that the same day in which Rizal died I wrote a very detailed story, the entire original of which I saved, and I have borrowed from it to make the present statement. All three writers evidently depend upon the notes of Father Balaguer for the most disputed part of the story. 12) Because the controversy as to whether Rizal did retract is so intense, it will be interesting to read the essential portions of the narrative, in an effort to get at the truth. It was what Retana calls El Dia Supremo for the Jesuits. They had worked with Rizal for four years without visible results. Following a well-conceived and well-executed plan, the government had touched his heart with the sufferings of his relatives, with exasperating espionage, with alternating laxity and severity, with heart-breaking disappointments, with loneliness, while the Jesuit fathers tried to win him with kindness and arguments. They had apparently failed. Now they had twenty-four hours or never! Father Pio Pi writes that the Archbishop showed great eagerness for the conversion of the man sentenced to death, and granted us all his authority to do whatever might be necessary. He directed us also to prepare a retraction, in the hope that the condemned man might be willing to accept and sign it; and we agreed to do so and to present it for his approval. . . . As usual, the Jesuits went at their task with tremendous fervor. From seven oclock of December 29, when Rizal was notified of his sentence, until he fell dead, there were few moments when they were not with him, coming in pairs and marshalling every means they could think of to play upon his emotions, to appeal to his reason, and to terrify him when other methods failed. Rizals statue: The Sacred Heart of Christ The rector of the Ateneo, Father Miguel Saderra Mata, and one of the professors, Father Luis Viza, took with them an image of the Sacred Heart of Christ, which Rizal had carved when he was a student in the Ateneo. Look, said the Father, how the heart of Jesus has been here twenty years waiting for Rizal. It wishes to convert him. Pi says that Rizal took it and put it on his table, where it remained until after his execution. Then Father Antonio Rosell was with the prisoner for awhile, and returned with a bad impression; he believed from what he heard that the man was a Protestant. Father [Federico] Faura also visited him that morning. Riz al asked as soon as he entered, Do you recall, Father, the last time we talked and what you foretold? It has come to pass. You are a prophet; I am going to die on the scaffold. Padre Faura could not subdue that spirit, still rebelling against the appeals of grace; so much so that the Father retired broken up with grief. From Rizal y su Obra (13) comes an account which sounds true, for there could have been no object in inventing the story: Father Balaguer returned to the chapel to discuss the religious question with the prisoner. The symptoms were very sad; there was little hope. In the morning when he had been given a medal of the Holy Virgin, he took it, probably from courtesy, and said coldly: I am a little Marian. Unfortunate man! To such an extreme, because of his error, had the former secretary of the Marian Congregation fallen. And yet he did not desire to abandon Her whom he had formerly served with filial love. Concerning religion, Rizal began to speak with reverence of God, of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Holy Gospel, and of the Sacred Scriptures; he said that he prayed, and that he was always asking God for light, as his only wish was to fulfill his Holy Will. . He seemed like a fervent probationer. But observing that his statements were those that a Protestant would make, Father Balaguer narrowed him down to concrete and categorical questions, which showed that Rizal did not admit the authority of the Roman church nor of the Pontificate, and held as his rule of faith, the Scriptures as interpreted by his judgment, in short that he seemed to be guided by a Protestant criterion, but mixed in reality with free thinking and a strange piety. Father Balaguer, who had been with Rizal inDapitan, is the man who claims that he secured the retraction. We will let him tell his own story as to how he did it: I, who knew the history of his errors and what his books contain, in order to carry out our delicate mission, asked Rizal to explain his ideas about religion. He showed at once that he was a Protestant by certain phrases in which he manifested love and respect for Jesus Christ; but he told me more or less explicitly that the rule of faith was the word of God contained in the Sacred Scriptures; . . He told me that he was guided by the reason which God had given him, adding with a self assurance that froze the blood, that he could go to appear before the judgment seat of God, tranquilly as one who has done his duty as a rational man. In attacking him, I then began with arguments of the Catholic doctrine to expose the objections, a thousand times refuted, of the heretics and rationalists, and we argued about the criteria and rule of faith, the authority of the church, its infallibility and divine authority. . . nd many points in ap ologetics. But with all this, says Father Pio Pi, the poor condemned man was not convinced. So far had he lost his faith, and so proud was his self-conceit that he would not admit light nor law into his limited vision. . . With very good tact Father Balaguer tried him out, and giving a sudden turn in the conversation, exclaimed: (14) So, at the judgment seat of God, before whom we must appear, you will be unpardonably condemned forever, if you do not bring your intellect into subjection to faith. Whereupon, says Father Balauger, (15) at hearing this threat of mine, the tears sprang to his eyes, and he replied, No, no, I will not be condemned! Yes, I replied, you will go to hell; for whether you like it or not, extra Ecclesiam Catholicam nulla datur salus. Yes, outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation . . . Agitated at this chiding, he said to me: See here, Father, if I should comply with your request and sign what you propose, without feeling it, I would be a hypocrite and would offend God. Certainly, I said, I do not desire that. But do you not believe that it is the greatest grief for me to see a person whom I love, obstinate in his error, to see that he will be damned and not to be able to help him? We value you so highly, believe me, that we would give our blood and our lives if we could achieve your salvation. Right now we would offer ourselves to be shot in your place. But Father, he replied with feeling. What would you have me do, for I do not think I could conquer my reason. Offer yourself, I answered. Offer to God the sacrifice of your self-esteem, and even though it should be contrary to the voice of reason, ask God for the grace of faith, which is a gift of God, which he offers in abundance, and which is infallibly obtained with humble and persevering prayer. The only trouble is that you reject it. Good then, Father, he said, I promise you that the rest of my life I will use asking God for the grace of faith. . . . Father Balaguer continues: For a better understanding of the events of that day, I think it best to relate them in order. Father Vilaclara (now dead) and I arrived at Fort Santiago about ten in the morning. After being received by Rizal, the discussion with him began as related above. At twelve I went to the Palace to tell the Archbishop what had happened, as he had requested, and I had to say that up to that time the condemned man had remained obstinate in his errors and ideas contrary to the Catholic faith. Upon hearing this, the Archbishop, in his ardent zeal for the conversion of Dr. Rizal, at once sent a circular to all the religious communities of Manila, that they should plead for the conversion of the condemned man. In all of them there was fervent prayer, and in some of them there were offered for this purpose many penances, celebrating the Holy Sacrament. At three in the afternoon or a little later I returned to the Fort where Father Vilaclara had remained, and continued the discussion with Dr. Rizal. This lasted until evening, stopping at the point which I indicated above. I then went with Father Viza to the [Archbishops] palace, to give an account of the condition of the condemned man and to express hope for his conversion. While Father Balaguer was gone, Father Pio Pis account tells us that Rizal became restless and asked Father Vilaclara to hear his confession. The later told him that it would be necessary first to make a retraction, for which purpose he should await the formula which the Prelate had promised to furnish. . . At ten in the evening he was given [by Father Balaguer] the long formula of retraction which had been written by order of the Prelate. . . The inner fight had not yet ceased, and though his spirit was more humble, it was not wholly conquered. . . The wording did not suit him, both because of its length and because the style was not clear. See here, Father, he said, even though I should sign this, nobody would believe that it was mine. You know my style, that it is very clear. Bring me a pen and you dictate what I ought to say. Then Father Balaguer began to dictate the other formula, which had already been approved by the Archbishop, much briefer, though expressive and decisive, which, after offering some objections, he accepted in its entirety, only asking to interject on his own initiative a few brief phrases, which only add expression and courage to the document.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Investigating Recruitment And Selection At Starbucks Commerce Essay

Investigating Recruitment And Selection At Starbucks Commerce Essay This report will imply on the discussion between internal and external recruitment, as well as the methods and sources being used generally which involves the advantages and disadvantages of having to recruit candidates either ways. Furthermore, discussions are made between two organizations that is chosen by our group on how they do their recruitment and what conflicts they face in doing so. What is recruitment? Recruitment is a process of identifying and hiring the best- qualified candidate for the job vacancy or for the right job, this may either come from within the organization or outside of the organization. Why an organization does need to recruit? Basically, an organization needs to recruit due to vacancies that will be needed to be occupied by new applicants or candidates with the right skill for the certain job available. Why do vacancies occur within an organization? In general, vacancies occur due to certain circumstances, firstly, when a person is being recruited for a vacancy, the most likely needed to work as, can be either, temporarily or permanently. Also, due to economical crisis which is currently happening in many organization, furthermore, applicants are needed to be newly recruited because of maternity leaves, paternity leaves or if one of the employees may be suffering from an illness for quite a long time, to do so, they will need someone to cover the vacant position in an organization. This will occur as part of a temporary contract. Sometimes, vacancies occur due expansions of organization where they will need additional employees provided with resources and trainings, as well as employees may suddenly change jobs for the better of salary, benefits being offered or just simply because of the extra work that are being handed to them. In addition to the reasons of vacancies, may include retirements. Types of recruitments and its methods. There are two main types on how to recruit an applicant, such as internal recruitment and external recruitment. Internal recruitment is a method of hiring an employee from within the organization itself, which will include the knowing of the required skills that will be needed for the certain job they will be recruited for, and also they already know the organization that they are working for, particularly if its training and development program is effective. In other words, where existing employees are selected rather than employing from outside. Internal vacancies are usually advertised within the business via a variety of media, this consists, the use of verbal advertisement within the organization (word of mouth), staff notice boards, meetings, in-house magazine or newsletter or intranets. External recruitment is a method of hiring candidates for the right job. It is when the new applicant comes from outside of the organization. Frequently, most business engages on this method of recruiting, particularly those that are growing strongly or that operate in industries with high turnovers. Fortunately, its sources enables them for recruiting a candidate from outside, like, referrals or existing contacts, career service which registers high number of applicants, employment or recruitment agencies who are specialized in recruitment and selection, helping candidates to look for a job and also be connected with a number of companies, which as well often supply interim employees. In particular, they even use the source on Headhunters or recruitment consultancies, who provides a more specialized approach to the recruitment of employees and or senior management, and rather approach on individuals with a good reputation instead of relying on long lists of applicants. However, this source is costly. Also, external recruitment includes the sources of using internet and advertisement, example, classified ads, magazines, posters, etc. Advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment and external recruitment. First of all, internal recruitment process is less time- consuming into recruiting and not expensive. Also, itll be easier in such a way, that the organization will not have any difficulties to have a background check, and train the applicants as they are known on what capability they can present at the same time, they already know the organization theyre working in. in addition, it gives the existing employees to advance their career in the business, helps to retain staff who might otherwise leave, reduces the risk of selecting an appropriate candidate and even have the chance of getting promoted. Also there will only be smaller number of applicants. However, there are likely to have a limited number of applicants for the job and another vacancy will be created that has to filled, therefore another recruitment plan has to be planned to fill another vacancy. Furthermore, there will also be a failure in generating new ideas. In contrast, the advantages of external recruitment is that it has wider audience that can be reached out which also increases the chance that the business will be able to recruit applicants with the required skills for the job, and helps to generate new ideas. However, this process will likely to be time- consuming. This is as well expensive due to the sources that they will be using, example: employment and recruitment agencies it is not a 100% ideal method because normally it will cost the organization money and even charge the candidate as well as the company that can be equal to the sum of his/her salary and another disadvantage, is not being definite with the qualifications that will be needed for the position that is applicable, lastly, they will not be considerate enough. Starbucks coffee company Starbucks coffee company is an international coffee and coffeehouse chain which was founded in Seattle, Washington on 1971. It is the largest coffeehouse in the world. Recruitment methods of Starbucks- Internal and External Internal Methods Starbucks uses these methods of recruiting internally: Intranet Starbucks announces its company vacancies through the website wherein only the staff and employees can access and look-up. Staff meetings These usually consist of the managers and supervisors organizing a meeting wherein they select the right employee for the right job internally. Career Development It is a method wherein staffs can get promoted to a higher level in the company. This usually uses the method of recommendation. External Methods Advertisement Starbucks usually put up ads in the newspaper or posters in their shops to attract candidates to apply for the company. Internet With its world wide web, people all around the world would be a able to access Starbucks site and find if there are any vacancy available. Word of mouth As staffs from the company may refer the vacancies available through friends and peers which are legible to apply for the position. RSA (Royal Sun Alliance Insurance Company) Royal and Sun Alliance Group is an insurance company which was founded on 1996 in London, England, UK which is still their headquarters up to date. It is a joint venture of Royal Insurance and the other Sun alliance. It is Britains leading insurance company. Recruitment methods of RSA- Internal and External Internal Methods RSA uses these methods of recruiting internally: Internal vacancy announcement When vacancies occur managers or supervisors tend to announce the position that is available to the employees. Promotions within department An applicant from a certain department of a company may be promoted to a higher level of work. Bulletin boards Almost the same as the internal announcement, here vacancies are posted to bulletin boards for when employees pass by they would see the notice. Internal emails As for RSA they use internal email which they call Lotus notes. Here every employee of the company receives emails as to which vacant positions are open or available. External Methods RSA uses the methods of recruiting externally: Advertisement in paper Advertising in the newspaper is one of the best recruitment methods there is. People read the news papers and would see the advertisement of the company and if interested they would send their application. Agencies RSA also uses the method of contacting agencies. Company website In the companys website, people who visit this site would see what job vacancies those are available. Conclusion In our opinion, nowadays, recruitment plays a vital role in ones organization and company. Searching, Attracting, and employing may take a lot of process but all this hard work in searching for the best candidate may lead to the success of the organization. Recruiting internally and externally may have different ways, but both have the same goal, that is to fill the spot or vacancy that the company has put up. In other words, we have learned that its a mandatory in every organizations. Furthermore, enabling us to know the possible outcomes and conflicts between internal and external recruitment. Henceforth, without this process in an organization, their organization will not be able to grow and produce high quality work. Bibliography Starbucks Coffee Company Recruitment RSA (Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Company)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Leadership Theories and the Bible Essay -- Papers Leading

Theories of Leadership Leadership is the ability of a person to influence people toward the attainment of a particular goal. Leadership is a people activity, not like administrative paper shuffling or problem solving. It is a dynamic force and involves the use of power. Out of the forces of leadership come four powerful characteristics: supportive, directive, participative, and achievement-oriented leadership. Although these types of characteristics are not considered ingrained personality traits, they reflect types of behavior every leader is able to adopt depending on the situation. The supportive leadership role involves showing concern for subordinates' well being and personal needs. This type of leadership behavior is open, friendly, and approachable. The person who has this type of leadership trait would be able to created a team climate and treats subordinates as equals. They move on a higher plain of trust. By seeking and finding support form his subordinates, the supportive leader shows his trustworthiness and integrity. He can be at times open to change. Supportive leaders have a high degree of emotional intelligence which means having a deep understanding of one?s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs and drives. The supportive leader will be able to recognize these traits in his subordinates because he possesses them as well. In the biblical sense, Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their hard work. "For if one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls when there is not another to raise him up," Eccesiastes 4:9-10. God wants us to show concern for each other and give support when needed. These two p... ...en in Israel like Moses, whom the lord knew face to face, who did all those miraculous signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt ? to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty powers or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.? This clearly shows that God does not want us to dwell on monetary rewards. He wants us to communicate and lead on a higher plan and not dwell on what?s in it for me. God should be our reward. Because if we live for God, we will surely be an outcast to others. All four types of leaderships have there own share of ups and downs. None of them are really clear-cut. There are drawbacks in any type of leadership. But if you put God first in everything that you do, you will have a greater chance for success, and possibly the respect you deserve.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Environmental Protection Essay -- American Government, The Reagan Admi

The situation about environmental protection began to change in the early 1980s, as the Reagan administration labeled environmental regulations a burden on the economy and tried to weaken them and reduce their enforcement (Dunlap and McCright, 2008). The anti-environmental orientation of the Republican Party became important yet again following the Newt Gingrich led Republican takeover of Congress in 1994, sparking a modest negative reaction from the public (Dunlap,2002), and has been greatly amplified during the George W. Bush administration (Pope and Rauber, 2004). According to Dunlap and McCright (2008) the divide has been most obvious among political elites, such as members of Congress, who tend to be more ideologically concentrated on contrasting positions than the general public. The latest research from Gallop (2009) shows a currently very large gap between Republicans and Democrats in terms of believing that facts about global warming. Eagan and Mulllin (2009) believe to a large extent, people’s perceptions are likely to be guided by the contradictory discourse of elites, with the consequence that more partisan and politically sophisticated citizens will express more consistent beliefs. Americans’ beliefs about the existence of global warming are unstable (Eagan and Mullin, 2009). The belief level in 2009 represents an eight point drop from a year earlier, when 61% of respondents surveyed by Gallup agreed that global warming effects had already begun (Saad, 2009). This instability in opinion reflects the low public salience of the climate change issue and the sharp disagreement among policy elites about the problem and potential solutions. Regardless of the media’s culpability, currently the media is not a trusted so... ...vating a moral orientation through which to address climate change and the broader challenges facing America and the world. (Goldstein and Wapner, 2006) The Republican presidential contenders consider global warming as a hoax or, at best, make light of its importance. The most vocal denier is Rick Perry, the Texas governor and longtime friend of the oil industry, who claim that climate change is an unproven theory created by "a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects." Unfortunately, because of the economic downturn, addressing climate change has become less urgent for voters but that doesn’t mean that the issue is going away. The nation badly needs a candidate with a logical, disciplined national strategy. We have yet to find a Republican who fits that description. (NY Times, 2011)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cold environments Case Study- Alaska Essay

Location * State in the United States-international boundary with Canada to the east, arctic ocean to the north * Largest state in United States by area, however least densely populated Economy * GDP in 2007: $64,333 * Per capita personal income : $40,042, rank :15th in nation * Oil and gas industry dominates the Alaskan economy * More than 80% of states revenues derived from petroleum extraction * Main export : seafood , agriculture represent only fraction of economy * Largest employers: * Providence health and services : 4000+ av. Monthly employment in 2010 * Walmart: 3000-3259 av .monthly employment 2010 History * First oil claims in Alaska made in the 1890, noted oil sea pages on iniskin bay and cold bay- not pursued by Russians * 1898- first Alaskan wells drilled in Iniskin Peninsula * Alaska’s first productive oil drilling operation was at Katalla, on the Gulf of Alaska, south of the Copper River delta * In 1911 several new wells in the district began to produce significant oil, costs not big enough to justify extraction * In 1960, following the statehood of Alaska and the creation of the state natural resources agencies, oil companies bought exploration leases for work in Cook Inlet * The boom in economic development and population growth after the discovery of oil was immediate and still continues Types of Development in Alaska * Oil and Gas industry- major oil fields developed along central north slope * Oil production accounts for 93% of Alaska’s unrestricted general fund revenues. * Since statehood, Alaska has received $164 billion in revenues from oil * Development in the fishing industry- sea provides endless harvest worth billions of pounds. Over 3 million lakes, 3000 rivers and 34 000 miles coastline- bountiful fishing regions in the world * Salmon fishing industry- worth $11 billion a year * Provide thousands of jobs, long term economic engine * Pollock fishery- 1,252,000 million metric tons- 2.7 billion ponds annum * Seafood- top export commodity. 2009- 1.6 b dollars. Accounted for 50% states total exports. * Seafood processing accounts 71% of manufacturing jobs in ALK. * Fishing industry- generated 54 000 jobs- short seasonal * Mining- historically a cornerstone of alaska’s economy. Today, mining industry brings broad range of benefits- offering highest paid jobs in the state. * Produces zinc, lead, copper , gold, silver, coal * Alaska’s 7 largest mines Provided more than 2,250 full time jobs of 9500 total mining ind jobs in state * Mining creates public revenue by paying state and local taxes * Help support local economies in both urban and rural Alaska. * Issues: spent $300 million on exploration last year * drilling costs and fuel expenses have risen sharply * Facts and economic impact-cumulative value of mining industry: $4.4 bil. 2011 * Minerals are the states second largest export commodity. Accounted for 31% of states export total- zinc and lead from Red Dog mine * Approximately 200 placer mines produced 70,000 ounces of gold, as well as platinum, in Alaska in 2011. In addition to Alaska’s active precious-metals mining industry, there were more than 120 active rock quarries, and sand and gravel operations throughout the state. Pressures on Cold Environment * Alaska is unique state- economic development in it’s remote, petroleum based economy- resembles oil rich developing nations than other US states * Realtively small size of the Alaskan economy can discourage production for local use. * Geography wise- their location is at a disadvantage. Difficult to transport oil to other countries * Trans Alaska pipeline * Pipeline flows through natural biomes, upsets animal trails, carries potential of a devastating leak * Woodland destroyed- also people’s homes affected

Monday, September 16, 2019

Explain the Importance of Safeguarding Children and Young People

a. Explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people It is important to safeguard children and young people as without this protection their future could be negatively affected. Their health and development could be impaired as its possible they could withdraw from family and peers which would affect them emotionally and also developmentally fall behind with educational milestones (if school is missed). Children and young people need to be protected from neglect and abuse and have a safe environment in which to grown up in with parents, teachers and any other close adult being approachable and accessible if needed, when/if any problem or concerns were to arise. This is all crucial in a child’s upbringing as the care they receive through their childhood will contribute to the success of the child’s ability to reach their full potential into adulthood. . Explain the importance of a child or young person centred approach It is important to use a centred approach when safeguarding children. As this will give you the first hand opinion and facts from the child including feelings and wishes about their current situation and their future. This will make the organisations response more accurate and appropriate to meet the specific needs of the child or young person. It is important therefore to develop a trusting relationship with the child or young person as this will make it easier to discuss their wishes and concerns, which will give the professionals the opportunity to involve the child or young person where possible in decision making about current intervention if necessary and any future action, as ‘the unknown’ will undoubtedly be a worry to the child so hopefully making them aware step by step will make the process less daunting and give a more accurate diagnosis to the problem.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Guests arrive Introduction EMCEE: Good evening to all of us. Welcome to Mapayapa Village,Clubhouse. Welcome to the party of our charming debutant who is now turning into a fine lady. This is quiet a very important event in her life and she is very much honor for your presence. She is now a real lady as she stepped onto the much higher level of what we call LIFE. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back as we groove, jive and enjoy her party for tonight†¦ EMCEE: But before we go on, it is my great honor to introduce all her special guests for tonight. Dad- Mr. Eduardo Benitez Mom- Mrs. Marilyn Benitez Sister- Maybelle Benitez Brother- Joemark BenitezWithout them, her life would be empty and unhappy. Let us all give a big round of applause to honor all the people whom she truly loved. Sabi nga, marami tayong mahahanap na kapuso, pero iisa lang ang ating kapamilya. GRAND ENTRANCE of debutante EMCEE: And now†¦. guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, let us all stand as we welcome the deb utant as a woman of grandeur. Let’s give a big round of applause Ms. Mary Jane Benitez. TOAST IN HONOR OF THE DEBUTANTE INVOCATION OR PRAYER EMCEE: To spiritually open the program, may I ask everybody to please stand for the Lord’s Moment for our guidance and blessings to be led by DININGEMCEE: Now,I would like to announce that we will have our dinner this time. After the dinner, the family would like to request everybody to please remain for a while for the continuation of our program. Thank you. (after dinner) EMCEE: Once again, a sumptuous evening to one and all! It is my delight that you remain and let us rejoice for that. 18 Candles And to represent Jane’s Circle of Important People of her Life, let us welcome the following persons who will share their wishes and offer Ring ofEnlightenment which symbolizes friendship which binds two persons together, and the different colors of light from the ring represents all aspects of hardship and joy to make them clos er together. Of course these people will be the ones who will give her advices and kind words along the way on how to become a perfect woman. * Leah Mae Benitez * Dawn Garvida * Cristine Garvida * Francee Cutamora * Maybelle Benitez * Angelica Benitez * Nerili Garcia * Reyeen Vergara * Regina Mitra * Angielly Decoy * Grace Villena * Precious Feliciano * Jinky Aquino * Cha Sumacot * Donna Inguito * Christine Encomienda Jam Ballos 18 Treasures EMCEE:  Gifts symbolize ever flowing love, caring and admiration. * Mrs. Kristina Benitez * Mrs. Erlyn Villaruel * Mrs. Menchie Diaz * Mrs. Janeth Garvida * Mrs. Alma Illazar * Ms. Ruby Nacario * Mrs. Rosa Castillo * Mrs. Belen Navarro * Mrs. Fe Bulangis * Amy * Nanay Sally * Lita Cutamora * Tita Lon EMCEE: After the offering of the gifts, let us now proceed to the most important part of this should we call it rituals of turning 18? Let us now acknowledge one of the most loved and important persons in Jane’s life. This time to dance wit h her, let’s welcome her father†¦..Mr. Eduardo Benitez (after the dance) EMCEE: Mr. Benitez,Jane’s loving father will be followed by Jane’s Circle of 18 gentle bachelors who will offer to her roses that symbolize love. Love which Jane has for her family and all the people in her life. Each bachelor after giving Jane a rose will dance with her for about 1 or two minutes with the background music dedicated by each guy to the debutante†¦ let us start with†¦ (Modern Dance) SPECIAL NUMBER OF THE CELEBRANT EMCEE: Sharing is one of the virtues Jane possesses because it is what her parents taught her.To share to us one of her talents, let us hold our breath and fix our attention to what she will be given to us, ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Ms. Mary Jane Benitez! TOAST FOR A SUCCESSFUL LIFE EMCEE: Are you amazed with what she has performed to us? Jane is really such a talented woman, full of art and wonderful ideas for herself and of course f or all the people whom she truly loved. The wine symbolizes commitment and triumph. Jane is considered victorious because she is able to reach the debutant age and it is a great time for this kind of celebration.To toast with her the wine for a long lasting victory of her life, let us all call in the following special persons who are in one way or another became a part of her life through thick and thin, ups and downs, right and wrong and sometimes good and bad times of life. Once again Jane’s Family to be with here for the wine toast. DEBUTANTE’S SPEECH EMCEE: To officially confirm the heat and legality of this party, at para na rin ipaliwanag ang lahat ng kaganapang ito†¦ let us now hear the speech to be given of course by our gorgeous debutante†¦ no other than†¦ Ms. Mary Jane Benitez! PARTY TIME!!!

Explain Why It is Difficult to Measure Unemployment Essay

Measuring unemployment accurately is made difficult because of imperfect knowledge. Not all instances of unemployment are recorded, and some records of unemployment may not be accurate. Because the unemployed are eligible for benefits, some individuals may work, but not disclose it, and claim benefit. Conversely, many unemployed may not bother to inform the authorities, and this unemployment goes unrecorded. The Claimant Count records those claiming unemployment benefit (Job Seekers Allowance, or JSA) and can prove they are actively looking for work. It excludes housewives and those on training schemes. The Claimant Count may not reflect the true level of unemployment in the UK economy, given that not all the unemployed will bother to claim, and some are deterred because they cannot prove they are looking for work. This is especially true of part-time employees who are much less likely to register as unemployed compared with full-time workers. While some individuals may fraudulently claim, it is generally recognised that the Claimant Count under-estimates actual unemployment levels. The labour force survey is undertaken by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and is a more direct assessment of unemployment, rather than those who claim benefit. It is based on an interview of a sample of 60,000 households (approximately 120,000 people) and tries to measure ‘unemployment’ as a whole, rather than those simply claiming benefits. To be considered as being unemployed individuals must: Have been out of work for 4 weeks. Be able to start work in the next 2 weeks, so they must be readily available for work. Workers only need to be available for work for one hour per week, so part-time unemployment is included in the measurement, though these workers are unlikely to claim unemployment benefit. This tends to make ILO unemployment much higher than the Claimant Count.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Food Borne Illness Essay

Food that is mishandled can lead to foodborne illness. While the United States has one of the safest food supplies in the world, preventing foodborne illness remains a major public health challenge. Often when you purchase foods from the grocery store or the food market, you have to check all the expiration dates. When a food is expired, they tend to give you a sign that the food is no good. For example, when you go to the store and shop for bread, you have to check the expiration date. If you purchase bread when the date on the bread is expired, the bread will mold within in the next three days or so. The same situation with the expiration dates is for meat as well. According to â€Å"Food Borne Illnesses & Disease† (2012), as pertaining to storage, for example meat, you can store meat in the freeze for a specific amount of time and it will still be as good as it was when you bought it from the store. * * If you store meat over the amount of time that is listed in this chart, the meat is no longer good. The presentation of the products in the store tend to look good when they might not be. Some foods are advertised as being healthy and clean but they could be bad as well. * Listeria, salmonella, E. Coli, Botulism, are some food borne illnesses that America try to avoid everyday. To prevent the food borne illness Listeria, you must set your refrigerator to 40  °F or lower, and the freezer 0  °F or lower. Use a refrigerator thermometer to check your refrigerator’s inside temperature. When you check in your refrigerator and you see juice from hot dogs or any type of meat leaking, you have to clean the inside thoroughly to avoid catching this illness. Clean the inside walls and shelves of your refrigerator with hot water and liquid soap, then rinse. Use precooked or ready-to-eat food as soon as you can. Do not store the precooked or ready-to-eat food in the refrigerator too long. Wash your hands after you touch hot dogs, raw meat, chicken, turkey, or seafood or their juices. Readers might search for more information on the food safety and inspection service website. They can and will inform you about the many illnesses that are out and how you can and can not prevent them. They will also give you many charts on how to take care of your meat and how to store your meat so you will prevent catching any food borne illness. * To determine if the research is credible, you have to search for the same information through other websites as well. Never just go along with one website and say that it is credible. It is very important to use this criteria when searching for information on nutrition and health because on some sources, they might give you information on telling you what to do with your raw foods and you end up getting sick. To avoid all of the confusion and the illnesses, make sure that the sources are credible. References: Food Borne Illnesses & Disease. (2012). Retrieved from

Friday, September 13, 2019

Antigon as a Leader Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Antigon as a Leader - Article Example This essay stresses that leaders do differ from managers, considering the convictions of most scholars who have studies the differences between leaders and managers. Leaders are involved in strategic management, just as the managers. However, leaders exhibit this aspect of strategic management in their behavior as well. Another difference between leaders and managers is evident in the way these relate with people and perceptions toward work. While managers exhibit high interaction with people, leaders are considered loners with great visions. Managers also use people to get goals and visions achieved. In addition, leaders are more charismatic and empathic than managers, since these will prioritize the needs of the people at their expense. This paper makes a conclusion that in the struggle for liberation from the Apartheid rule, Mandela’s party, the ANC, adopted an approach of violence, even though previously the party had advocated for a peaceful approach. Mandela admitted to his party adopting a violence approach from the previously held peaceful policy. In his view, the peaceful approach adopted by the ANC earlier on had failed, since it did not put an end to apartheid rule. This decision to adopt violence is justified. If the ANC had not turned to violence, the whites would have never addressed the concerns of the blacks through their peaceful approach. Secondly, violence was the only option left, since all other democratic options had been closed down in the country’s legislation by the whites.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How the films depict the discomfort of individuals within societies Essay

How the films depict the discomfort of individuals within societies that often seem oppressive.As well as the films' political social and economic messages - Essay Example This definitely gives light and a deeper discussion of the matters present in film. Two films that I shall discuss in this paper are the â€Å"Spirit of the Beehive† and the â€Å"Bicycle Thieves.† Both films are considered to be rich in socio – political and economic messages. At the same time, there will be a synthetic analysis of both the films in terms of the content. To further amplify the discussion in this paper, certain film elements like the camera angle, music and movement shall be assessed in connection with the aforementioned messages. In the film â€Å"Spirit of the Beehive†, the political context seems to be in a problematic condition. The camera has shown how a child tries to struggle between the social conditions that beset her and other people. At a very young age, it can be seen, through the lens of the camera, that the child is having a questioning of her own status. With a melancholic music, her curiosity is amplified about why such an old person is allowed to suffer in a lonely and deserted place. As the characters interact, the sharing of experience about how life is difficult already signals how things are in a despicable condition. Most of the time, there are several cuts and editing that happened to employ the political message but there is continuity present (Butler 2005, p. 24). In terms of economics, it is seen clearly, that the barren houses, deserted landscape and candle lights are already manifestations of uneven economic development. Also, the richness of honey coming from the bees, are signs of richness and hard work by the old man in the film. The camera, focused on the man, upon doing the chores on the bees and the capturing the acts of the bees, strengthen further the need to work harder and taking care of resources that can help one’s condition in a society. This is considered a long shot,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Managing Product-Harm Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Product-Harm Crisis - Essay Example What are substandard or defective products? These are products that are harmful and dangerous to consumers, therefore organizations recall such products. Recalled products are the contributors of product-harm crisis. According to Vassilikopoulou et al. (2009), product-harm crisis occurs as a result of having defective products that are harmful to consumers in the market. Though organizations seek for better and improved products, departments in charge of inspections in an organization may still miss to identify the defects of such products because of negligence. While the expectation is that running an organization comes with several ups and downs, having a product-harm crisis tops the list because of its detrimental effects of an organization. Organizations need to maintain their products’ based on the required safety levels. Consumers lose faith in a company if they find the product it offers is harmful. A harmful product is not only dangerous to consumers but also hurtful to the ecosystem. For example, milk spiked with melamine is not only harmful to human beings, but to animals such as cats and dogs. Therefore, organizations need to examine the factors that contribute to product-harm crisis because it affects it directly affects a company’s success. Yannopoulu et al. (2011) claimed that product-harm crises are crises because they directly control the media and the consumers. For example, the media spreads the news to the consumers in way that may influence them negatively. In addition, after watching the advertisements or news, consumers pay more attention to the name of the organization selling defective products or the defective product.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Defining my identity Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Defining my identity - Personal Statement Example At 19 years of age, I believe the greater part of my life still lies ahead. I know that one day I will no longer be living under my mother’s rules, and that is my motivation as to why I strive to be a better person and avoid struggling in future life. I have built my identity mainly by being determined not to be like many people I know. Some are not in school, doing drugs or serving jail terms. Others messed their lives by getting pregnant while still young. But for me, I am a responsible young adult already doing two part time jobs. Most importantly, I am a future-oriented person. My age, gender and ethnicity often cross over each other in the determination of my identity. At 19, I have seen my age mates succumb to peer pressure, but I am not that kind of a person. The culture shock that I suffered when I joined college could easily have led me into self-destructive habits, like the drug abuse that many teenagers indulge in. Instead, I chose not to go out much, opting to stay at home when not working or in school, as well as limiting the number of friends. Despite living with my mother, I pay my own bills, feed myself buy my own clothes and take care of my own doctor’s visits. Apart from that, I also ensure that I provide food for my sister when there is no food at home. My gender means that I must be responsible since, traditionally, women are home keepers. However, as a result of my uniqueness, I want to enjoy the power of providing for myself, rather than taking up stereotyped gender roles. I want to look at gender and ethnicity differently, and mor e positively when I am more mature, hence the aspect of age defines me in a dynamic manner. Inadvertently, I belong to a specific gender, race and ethnicity. It is not my wish to associate myself with any socioeconomic class because such divides only serve to magnify stereotyped differences. So long as one can be responsible enough, get an education and provide

Monday, September 9, 2019

Change over time Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Change over time - Research Paper Example Moreover, the bus transportation has an official site, that offers tourist site for the City. Price are affordable and can be accessed online via The transportation for Rooms and Accommodation can be done in the airport even before landing to Mexico City. Moreover, there are Green Taxis, Plane and Yellow Taxis that offer lucrative experience within the City. The buses and trains also offer best transportation experience around the City. There is also bus service from Airport to downtown, bike rental in city and On Foot. The Aztec population consisted of well-treated slaves, nobles and the commons. The most updated population estimate of the City of Mexico is about 8,864,000. Mexico City is the Capital of Mexico and rated the largest in Mexico. Mexico City has the highest number of the Spanish-speaking population entire world. The population density of the City is about 15,000 people per square mile. 19 percent of the population is considered indigenous communities in search of better economic situations. Also, many migrants found expatriates and immigrants dwell in the City. The primary language in Mexico is Spanish but due to the presence of indigenous communities in the city, Nahuatl, Mazahua, Zapoteco, Otomi and Mixteco languages are additionally spoken. The people that never migrated in or out the City of Mexico have about 70 percent of that population being under 15 years old. The remaining 30 percent is under the age of 15 years. Interestingly, only about 17 percent of the population over the age of 15 years has received higher education. About 41 percent of the non-migrant population is marked economically active, that is to say, a person was looking for a job or has one already. Further, about 25 percent of the emigrants is under the age of

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

5 - Assignment Example The graph shows that the percentages of the native speaker interlocutor were higher in all the categories above. The findings are that a native speaker interlocutor achieves greater accuracy and systematicity with the learner since the interviewers native language shares the same bound morphemes as those of the learner. The native speaker achieves higher percentage in plural and person singular over the non-native speaker. The percentages mean that a learner will learn to pronounce plural and singular words better when a native interlocutor teaches them to pronounce the words. The second graph depicts the effects of NNS and NS interlocutors on target language utterances of free morphemes on a learner in copula, the indefinite article and definite article categories. The NNS interlocutor achieves higher percentages in all categories as compared to NS speaker. An NNS interlocutor will enable a learner to link sentences accurately better using joining verbs or copula. The difference in learning the curve of indefinite articles between the NNS and NS is very minimal. An NNS interlocutor will enable a learner to use the definite article, the in a better way than an NS interlocutor. In conclusion, an NNS will effectively teach a learner to adopt a better sentence structure while an NS interlocutor will teach a learner to pronounce the sentences and achieve

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Leopards and Humans Conflict in india Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leopards and Humans Conflict in india - Essay Example Apart from the encroachment of humans into protected regions, another reason why wild animals cross over to human landscape is food shortage in protected regions. This is due to high competition between carnivores such as leopards and tigers. This usually prompts wild animals such as the leopards to move onto human land in search of food where they normally target human livestock, dogs and chicken. In the republic of India, conflicts between human beings and wildlife are a common occurrence. One common wild animal that humans are ever having conflicts with is the leopard. According to Ramesh [1], leopards are adaptable animals that are capable of living not only in but also around human dominated landscapes. Conflicts between humans and wild animals such as the leopards normally occur when humans cross into protected areas or wild animals crossing over to human territory. Wild animals such as the leopard and other carnivores normally cross to human territory in search for food, whereby they usually target livestock [2]. In most cases when human beings interact with wild animals, a conflict ensues and apart from injuries, this results to loss of lives on both sides. It is because of this that the Indian government is ever on the move to ensure that the rate of human-wildlife conflicts are minimized since if left to prevail could eventually result to extinction of endangered spe cies. The paper will relay information on how human-wildlife conflicts are a major problem in India in addition some of the most appropriate measures that ought to be enacted in order to minimize the conflicts. In a move to determine how adverse the conflict between human beings and wildlife has become, a number of researches were conducted in various protected regions and its environs. One study was in Akole Tahsil, a densely populated region located in Ahmednagar district. In the western regions of Akole

Friday, September 6, 2019

An Analysis of the opening sequences of Luhrmanns Essay Example for Free

An Analysis of the opening sequences of Luhrmanns Essay I think Luhrmann repeated the prologue three times to make people understand what was to come, because he did not add the last two lines which were In which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. In other words, meaning that if you have not understood this prologue they hoped their hard work helps you understand it.  The first time the prologue is shown is when the news reporter is on the news reading out the prologue. She has a modern American accent towards this but it seems as if Luhrmann has kept to the old Shakespearean language; also, there is the picture of a ring in the corner. The sequence starts of with interference and then it tunes in onto the news, then the news reporter starts reading out the prologue. To put it in media terms I would say the first few shots of the zoom in creating a lead up to the extreme close up of the news reporter. I would say then that a medium close up was used until the second time the prologue was shown. I think this interpretation of the prologue represents how important and how serious the conflict between the families is and shows the end of both lovers also showing the end of the feud. The second time the prologue is shown, it shows a serious of pictures of Verona Beach according to the lines of the prologue, which is now read by a man. Either, he wanted to make the prologue stronger by doing that or make a change to get it stuck in peoples head. There are loads of newspaper cuttings but one of the newspapers shows both the families, which ends up in flames. It also shows images of two skyscrapers one with Montague on top and the other with Capulet also God (Jesus) is standing in the middle showing, I think this shows that the feud might have gone to far and God has now stepped in to stop it. Also at the end of this both the families are shown with the other characters apart from Romeo and Juliet. In the Mise-en-scene of the completely said prologue, there were close-ups of the families, medium shots, long shots, birds eye view shots, etc. The third time the prologue is shown the writing comes up. In addition, there are a few scenes from the film later on, which gives us an insight of whats to come.  This start gives us quite a lot of insight to the film this gives us a head start to whats to come from the whole film. In this interpretation, I think there were only quick shots used to give an effect of how quick the story went.  I think the audience might get a different feeling from each time the prologue because it shows different types of ways to express the prologue it shows the end, beginning and middle. In Act 1, Scene 1 the two families boys have a comical fight at a petrol station but it shows the first actual conflict between the families. The Montague boys go down to petrol station and to represent them they have loud rap music in the background, whereas when the Capulet boys arrive they have spaghetti western music to represent them so the director might be trying to say that the Capulet boys are more old fashioned and that the Montague boys are more modern. Luhrmann creates an atmosphere of many things in this scene but the main three things are tension, fear and excitement. I first of all think Luhrmann created this by showing the anger between both families this both created tension and fear of one another, he done this by introducing the boys and slowly setting the scene up till both families started being rude to each other. Both families show this by Body Language and Face Expressions. I think the Montagues though felt more threatened by the Capulets because when the Capulets appeared they suddenly had a sense of fear in them, which created quite a bit of tension. The next thing was excitement this was that of the fight they were going to have and because of the tension Luhrmann had created he had to even it out by using humour, I think he done this by using the tension he had already created. When he had one of the Montague boys licking his nipples to scare the nuns and when he had one of the women in the car hitting him on the head with her handbag. I think he used a cowboy film clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, to make the scene more interesting and to make the fight presentable he used hidden typical cowboy props such as the flipping sign and music. But by doing this he has really stereotyped the western cowboy material but I am not trying to say that he is not doing what any other modern director does because they all stereotype in their films one way or another. I feel the opening scenes to a film are most crucial and I found that the opening scenes to Romeo and Juliet were quite substantial, the scenes of the prologue were quite short but short of this fact, it was very informative. However, I think it was difficult for Luhrmann to create the rest of the movie after such a good start but I think he done this during Act 1, Scene 1 by showing just how terrible the feud was in this case I mean hurting people who are not even involved in the fight. I personally think that the targeted audience for this film is from people aged  15 -30 years old as some of the violence would be too much for little kids, to take in and mostly the language and sense of this story would confuse them whereas if you showed it to an older person over 30 they would probably be more interested in a calm love story with not so much violence.  In my opinion, the opening scenes to this film were portrayed as an insight to the rest of the film. I see the representation of the prologues as a beginning, middle and end, but as the first act and first scene come up, I feel as if the whole film has started again but from a different angle. I also think that Luhrmann took on a great task and that was to re- enact Shakespeares greatest love story and I also think he done that well.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Are Leaders Born or Made Essay Example for Free

Are Leaders Born or Made Essay People have debated whether leaders are born or made for centuries. However, I am absolutely convinced that good leaders are made than born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. â€Å"Good leaders can develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience† (Jago, 1982). To inspire workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things a leader must be, know, and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their laurels. Definition of Leadership Before we get started, let’s define and understand about leadership. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. In the field of organizational learning, leadership entered the discussion as a proxy for the organization. Initial concepts of leadership in organizational learning were based on the notion of the dominant coalition. Organizational learning theorists had suggested that the senior management team, or dominant coalition, was in fact the organization level of organizational learning. Moreover, leadership has been described as the â€Å"process of social influence in which one person enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. According to Ken â€Å"SKC† Ogbonnia, â€Å"effective leadership is the ability to successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the internal and external environment for the attainment of organizational or society goal. Charismatic Leaders are made but not born. However, there are many well-educated and motivated people who lack of the knowledge to lead others. So they don’t assume leadership positions, or if they do, they don’t do very well in them. Thus, to become a made leader, we need to know about the characteristic of a leader for us to learn and explore from there. Having charisma is an important quality to any successful leader, that’s all highly successful people must develop to maximize their success in leadership roles, as well as use it to gain a great advantage over their competition. Charisma can be explained as an indefinable personal magnetism that helps draw people to you, and makes them want to cooperate and work with you to accomplish your dreams. To increase your own level of charisma, you must first be confidence in your own vision. If you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, then you need to focus on setting goal for yourself, and make plan to achieve them without delay. The clearer you are about your purpose, and how you are planning to achieve it, will naturally to attract others to help and support you in any way they can. However, some say charismatic is born but not made. Yes, it’s. But without the born charisma, you can also increase the level of you charisma by talking and interaction with other, certain interactions and rewards increase starting relationships, such as a Celebrity using a Charming Introduction will instantly have a new friend. Charisma skill-building requires friends and relationships to progress. Personality and Physical Build Besides, the personality is also an important element to become a made leader, great leaders must have the ability to project themselves, to communicate with subordinates in order to accomplish a task by teamwork. The dictionary definition of personality is the collection of emotional and behavioural traits that characterize a person. That is, your personality is how you present yourself to the world. It is how others see you. Is that important for leadership effectiveness? I think so. Your public persona is the catalyst for enrolling followers. For example, you might be typically dominant, or perhaps you’re always a friendly person, or even someone who takes very few risks. These examples are personality traits. You may also simply improve your personality by your appearance such as dress up and make up well as the appearance oneself always the first impression they given to other. Aside of personality, physical build is also a trait of characteristic for being a leader, this can be made and improved by one self. For example, the children now are mostly taller and stronger than their parents because of the better knowledegement care. Talent, skills and knowledge Beyond the personal traits of a leader, leadership talent, skills and knowledge someone must master if they want to be a leader. Leadership talent is those innate traits that a person is born with but which they need to work on to develop their potentiality, Leadership skills are learned behaviours that a person practices and hones over time. And leadership knowledge is acquired learning about the methods, strategies, successes and failures of other leaders in business and in different walks of life. The traits include intelligence, creativity, diplomacy, persuasiveness, and organizational ability. The difference of the three is an intrinsic character of the leader and the latter two are learned. And an effective leader combines all three: harnessing mixture of their natural characteristic, their learned replicable behaviors, and their mental data and learning into their own unique way to expressing themselves as a leader. Knowing well of the managerial function Besides, knowing well of the managerial function is also a must for a made leader. From day-to-day operating, they should be able to learn about planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling in order to lead their subordinates in an effective way. Planning refers to anticipate the opportunity, problems and conditions and choosing from among the alternative of future courses or actions. That includes forecasting, programming, scheduling and etc. The organization functions consist of developing the organization, delegating authority and establishing relations. Staffing is about planning the organization with suitable personnel constitutes the staffing function. Direction function involves managing people and work through the means of motivation, proper leadership, effective communication and coordination. Controlling function enables management to ensure the achievement is in accordance with the established plans. Communication skill Moreover, to be a made leader, we should train ourselves to make effective communication thru experience. The communication skill can definitely be improved if you have the desire to do it, a smart leader must always the â€Å"30 seconds message† which transmitting the most important message within the shortest time. Effective communication is more than just being able to speak and write. A leader’s communication must move people to work toward the goal the leader has chosen. Besides that, a leader has to be able to motivate everyone to contribute. Each of us have different â€Å"button†, a great leader should knows how to push to right button on everyone to make them really want to do their best to achieve the leader’s goal. This is definitely not born because leader could press the right buttons on everyone through understanding their personality. Honesty and Integrity, Forward looking, Independence and Innovation. In addition, the characteristic of a leader is also consisted by honesty and integrity, forward looking, independence and innovation. Once should not even be considered to become a leader without having demonstrated the honesty, integrity and trustworthiness to have and maintain a position of public trust. At all levels, individuals with integrity and honesty show moral courage by doing the right thing even when it is not popular or by expressing dissent when actions or pending decisions would violate organizational and/or constitutional values, laws, and regulations. In addition, they confront unethical behavior in others. Furthermore, the honestly and integrity is about following rules and regulation, this is made as we have no choice but have to follow the rules and regulation of the organization. As a great leader, we always need to be forward-looking toward any issue or problem. When people do not consider their leader forward-looking, that leader is usually suffering from one of two possible problems which are the leader doesn’t have a forward-looking vision and the leader is unwilling or scared to share the vision with others. The forward-looking attitude can be influenced by those people who are surrounding us with positive-minded, this can be made but not born. Last but not least, a great leader is also an innovator. Innovation is about making new tools, products and process, bring forth something â€Å"new† which allows human being to accomplish something they were not able to accomplish previously. We can be innovation through study, research, discuss and deliberated from past experience. Leaders must be tough enough to fight, tender enough to cry, human enough to make mistakes, humble enough to admit them, strong enough to absorb the pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and keep on moving. Leaders must be tough enough to fight, tender enough to cry, human enough to make mistakes, humble enough to admit them, strong enough to absorb the pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and keep on moving. Leader is made because a person becomes a leader through life and work experiences, through mentors and personal reflection. Leader takes time to develop and they were made just like anything else, through hard work. If you are given a chance, you practice, you can also be a leader.